Cross-border wolf recovery, management and research in Scandinavia
Barbara Zimmermann, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
April 05, 2024 | 15h30 | Hybrid Seminar (Zoom Link: https://fc-up-pt.zoom.us/j/84429728251)
Conservation efforts have brought the wolf back into the highly populated, anthropogenic landscapes of Europe. While termed a conservation success, wolf-human interactions in this diverse geopolitical landscape trigger conflicts of interests that call for management actions. Barbara Zimmermann will exemplify the complexity of wolf management and conservation in Europe by comparing Norwegian & Swedish approaches to the management of a joint cross-border wolf population. She will also present the Scandinavian Wolf Research Project SKANDULV, a long-term study on wolf genetics and ecology. Finally, Barbara will give an insight into SKANDULV’s most recent research on wolf-wolverine interactions and on moose behavior and survival in a landscape of risk.
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