From luxury cruise ships to zero-amenities camping on remote islands: a recount of several expeditions to rocky shores all across the Atlantic, with insights about expedition planning and execution
December 13, 2024 | 15h30 | CIBIO’s Auditorium and Online (https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99797933081)
One of the flagship projects led by the CoastalWarming group is the CCTBON, which aims to monitor temperature and biodiversity over the next decade on hundreds of rocky shores across the Atlantic, from Pole to Pole. As of this date, 213 sites have already been implemented, and we continue to add new sites almost every month. This talk will be a lighthearted recount of the most adventurous expeditions we’ve undertaken so far, from the Bijagós in Guinea Bissau to the Argentinian Patagonia and many of the remotest islands in the Atlantic. Crucially, in addition to showcasing incredible images of incredible places, I will also use this opportunity to share accumulated experience regarding expedition planning and execution (including when things go wrong), and even insights on how to best comply with BIOPOLIS accounting practices when faced with very “non-standard” situations. The talk will feature rich visuals, and real-time participation from the audience is welcomed.
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